iabi - Institute of Applied Building Informatics
(Institut für angewandte Bauinformatik e.V.) is an associated institute of Munich University of Applied Sciences and is an organisation for the public good. iabi's objectives are to take actions which are supporting the building industry to gain a higher and sustain level of interoperability, in specific in the fields of data communication, and to support the building industry in gaining the required competence in order to achieve this goal.
The following list may serve as examples of possible actions of iabi, which are also conform with the objectives of this project:
- Support during the implementation of existing interoperability-standards in business processes
- Support during the definition of standardized directives for the effective exchange of building related information
- Contribution to national and international standardisation organisations, which are working on interoperability
- Participation in national or international projects on applied building informatics
- Co-operations with enterprises, universities and research entities
- Development of testing-environments for
... practitioners from the building industry
... software vendors in order to ensure the quality of interoperability of their products